Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Upon our return from Visalia yesterday (Visalia post yet to come), we arrived home to ice covered streets in our neighborhood following a winter snow storm we missed while away. At first we were bummed to miss Lavi and Namir's first snow storm to see how they really felt about the snow. Well, we did not have to wait too long. By 10 am this morning, more snow was falling soon to be followed by freezing rain.

I thought it would be fun to let Namir see what this white stuff is all about (since he is a true So Cal kitty). At first he enjoyed being outside and walking around, but he came back to the door pretty quickly to get back in.

Now we can find him sitting in his bed right in front of the heating vent.

Lavi on the other hand, had great fun at Susan and Doug's house over the weekend playing in their backyard (and warming herself in their bed). For a dog that dislikes water so much, we are suprised to see how much she loves the snow. We guess it is similiar enough to the sand at the beach.

Here is some videos of Lavi's enjoying herself.

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